Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Three C's

In the beginning stages of training,  (the PREP Period), it is easy to go a little crazy, get a little insecure, and/ or to get discouraged. You try to comprehend all the work that needs to be done, all your weak points, and how much work it's going to take to improve the trouble spots...cuz you know those are always the hardest...the butt the abs  the calfs, and you're thinking WHAT THE HELL DID I GET MYSELF INTO!?!? Sometimes it's hard to remember that you have what it takes.

So I have come up with my mantra. To help me through those troublesome thoughts.

 Stay Calm, Consistent, and Committed. The Three C's. It is that simple.

1. Stay Calm: Breath (as my mother would say). Don't get all up in your head. Don't let your insecurities discourage you. Rather Stay Calm, use that dimply ass as motivation! Every time you step in that gym on squat day...no matter how much cellulite you may have...work out confidently and KILL IT! Know that you are doing what it takes to get rid of it. Don't freak out if your sports top is showing your love handles. Breath and GO HARDER! Eventually something has got to give. Stay calm and confident in the fact that what you put in is what you get out. The beauty of the Human Body.

2. Stay Consistent: If Im learning anything consistency is the main ingredient. I'm not saying that all workouts are going to be the same and of the same intensity...in fact that is the opposite of what one should do. I'm saying the first step to succeed is to show up, and to show up, and to show up, and to show up, again and again and again and after that and that and that. Rome wasn't built in a day, but I bet those slaves building it didn't get much of a break either. Consistency. Show up time and time again and Bring It every time. I had a swim coach that said, " You are not going to swim a PR every day, maybe you didn't get any sleep, maybe you are sick, etc., but if you hit that wall at the end of the race, and can say to yourself I gave it EVERYTHING I GOT on that particular day, at that particular moment, well...then there is nothing more I can ask of you." Show up!

3. Stay Committed: Not to be confused with consistency, this is a commitment to yourself, to your goals, to your pride. This is compassion for Number 1! This is the strongest love affair one can share. No one can or will love you as much as you should love yourself...don't cheat on yourself. Just don't mess this one up. Be excellent to others...yeah...Be Committed to Yourself!

All alone in my head, though surrounded by the rank and file. Just me and my goals on an island. In the zone. Hood pulled over, headphones cranked, I move imperceptibly within a crowd, under the radar. My ideal physique, my goals are defined and delineated in my mind—crystal clear at all times.  I am simply moving deliberately down the road of my journey, a step at a time closer to the destiny in my mind’s eye.

-Anna P

1 comment:

  1. you are very right about the the three C's it remind's me of when i started working out to play ball. I remember going to the gym and not known what I was supposed to do all i knew about were the basic lifts and that i wanted to look like some of the freak athletes i saw in magazines. To go along with the stay calm part put reality. so many people do not understand body mechanics and how muscles work and they just assume that doing average work is going to get some where. there should be a intro class at most gyms or some kind of educational thing to enlighten people about bodily changes, or what kind of workouts do to the body.
    being constant is a quality not many have. I remember many of the people i started to work out with were not ass committed. Well many of the younger people i used to work out with were not consistant but the older members of gyms understand commitment and how to pursue something. Something which i think lacks in how many children are brought up. another story for another time,
    you on the other hand have been very committed for as long as i have known you its been one of the bright qualities that separate you from alot of other females and especially female athletes. and it is reflected in your physique and how you workout.
