Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Energy

I find energy amazing. When you put things out there, thoughts, dreams aspirations,'s truly amazing how everything comes flying right back at you. The people that pop into your life, the opportunities that arise..they all confirm the realization that this was meant to be. It just makes me wonder...were these things always there and now I'm just more in-tuned to it? Are my thoughts, dreams and aspirations being manifested through all the conscience and sub-conscience decisions I make on a daily basis?

For example I just met a bodybuilding competitor through a friend, (how I got in touch with this particular friend is a crazy story in it's self which is just another example of how small the world truly is.) however what proves my point even more about the whole positive energy theory is that my friend introduced me to his friend (the aforementioned bodybuilder) who has competed in 14! Bodybuilding competitions. One of the various comps he entered is the one I'm competing in :)

Anyway long story short he has opened a whole new venue of information for me including an impressive list of contacts in the city including coaches for training, posing and diet. He is also going to share with me information on where I should get my shoes, and suit, and tips on tanning.

All of a sudden all the little things that were holding me back from competing in the first place don't seem that scary, and this whole idea of me being on stage in a tiny bikini and 4 inch heels all jacked and orange is becoming a much clearer envision.

So moral of the story writing out my thoughts, dreams, and goals makes them tangible, makes them real, a manifestation in itself besides the conscience and sub-conscience decisions I make on a daily basis which further brings them to life.

If anyone is working on goal setting; write them down. Make your thoughts objects and bring those objects to life through actions and steps that take you closer to your goals everyday.

Your thoughts are more powerful then you think...

Before you know it the energy you are sending out, will come right back and smack you in the face! You just have to be ready for it.

-Anna P

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Numbers Game

In order to improve something it needs to be measured first. Deriving a baseline is the first step in realizing where I am, and acknowledging where it is I need to go. On the other hand it also provides another level of motivation. Having a scheduled list of check points where sequential measurements are to be taken will help me stay on my game in the following months leading up to the big day.

Luckily enough my trainer friend offered to take my body fat percentage using the 3 point caliper method. In this approach the skin folds are taken at the triceps, above the iliac crest, and at mid thigh. If you ever are interested in FiguringOut your BF% check out this page

The second set of measurements were taken on Friday February @4th.

The measurements were taken on Friday January 20th so hopefully every month I will take them again and they will improve.

These were my initial results:

To be honest I was a little upset by the 22% I feel as if I'm more at 20%, but again I can't complain. I'm right at "average," however I would never consider myself as just average PLEASE, either way however I'm at a good starting point where I can still build muscle efficiently especially in my lower extremities; glutes, hams, quads, add/abd, and my little baby calves.

I also had my other trainer friend asked me to take pictures for his website. It was a nice little boost of self confidence s/p the body comp. testing. Those pictures will hopefully make it to the blog at some point, along with circumference measurements, and the dreaded Initial BEFORE pictures.

-Anna P

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Three C's

In the beginning stages of training,  (the PREP Period), it is easy to go a little crazy, get a little insecure, and/ or to get discouraged. You try to comprehend all the work that needs to be done, all your weak points, and how much work it's going to take to improve the trouble spots...cuz you know those are always the hardest...the butt the abs  the calfs, and you're thinking WHAT THE HELL DID I GET MYSELF INTO!?!? Sometimes it's hard to remember that you have what it takes.

So I have come up with my mantra. To help me through those troublesome thoughts.

 Stay Calm, Consistent, and Committed. The Three C's. It is that simple.

1. Stay Calm: Breath (as my mother would say). Don't get all up in your head. Don't let your insecurities discourage you. Rather Stay Calm, use that dimply ass as motivation! Every time you step in that gym on squat matter how much cellulite you may out confidently and KILL IT! Know that you are doing what it takes to get rid of it. Don't freak out if your sports top is showing your love handles. Breath and GO HARDER! Eventually something has got to give. Stay calm and confident in the fact that what you put in is what you get out. The beauty of the Human Body.

2. Stay Consistent: If Im learning anything consistency is the main ingredient. I'm not saying that all workouts are going to be the same and of the same fact that is the opposite of what one should do. I'm saying the first step to succeed is to show up, and to show up, and to show up, and to show up, again and again and again and after that and that and that. Rome wasn't built in a day, but I bet those slaves building it didn't get much of a break either. Consistency. Show up time and time again and Bring It every time. I had a swim coach that said, " You are not going to swim a PR every day, maybe you didn't get any sleep, maybe you are sick, etc., but if you hit that wall at the end of the race, and can say to yourself I gave it EVERYTHING I GOT on that particular day, at that particular moment, well...then there is nothing more I can ask of you." Show up!

3. Stay Committed: Not to be confused with consistency, this is a commitment to yourself, to your goals, to your pride. This is compassion for Number 1! This is the strongest love affair one can share. No one can or will love you as much as you should love yourself...don't cheat on yourself. Just don't mess this one up. Be excellent to others...yeah...Be Committed to Yourself!

All alone in my head, though surrounded by the rank and file. Just me and my goals on an island. In the zone. Hood pulled over, headphones cranked, I move imperceptibly within a crowd, under the radar. My ideal physique, my goals are defined and delineated in my mind—crystal clear at all times.  I am simply moving deliberately down the road of my journey, a step at a time closer to the destiny in my mind’s eye.

-Anna P

Monday, January 16, 2012

The big O-lifts

It is funny how things fall into place. As many of you know I have been powerlifting for the past two years and it was great. I had a great team met some amazing, crude, funny people. Became friends with some of the strongest people I've ever met, and found a place were I could excel and/or fail (both of which I humbly experienced) and had the support of the team either way.

Of my recent training that is what I've been missing the most. Although working out alone is a good de-stressor, the team support, motivation, and dedication was lacking. To be honest it is one of the main reasons why I chose to do a figure competition, I needed a goal, and through my blog and my community at my gym I'm creating my team!

But alas I have gotten side tracked.

Times change, people change, bodies change and I needed to change with it. I was itching for something else other than power lifting. As much as I have gained and benefited from the 5 3 1 program and reveled in my latest Raw powerlifting meet in which I got all white lights except for my last attempt DL, I needed a change for various reasons that go beyond the scope of this blog.

When opportunity meets good timing...sometimes you just can't avoid it. I have been fortunate enough for the opportunity to work with a trainer at my gym who is teaching me how to perform the olympic lifts. Let me back track a little... Me itching for something new meets with trainer who is looking to coach something new a whala! Well anyway what it comes down to is I feel as if a door has been opened to a new world of lifting. And I'm loving it.

In fact I think I'm about to prove that olympic lifting should be a substantial part of training for a figure show athletes and here is why.

1. Explosiveness: the force and muscle recruitment involved especially of the glutes and hamstrings has to count for something.

2. ROM (range of motion): the range and flexibility required to perform the lifts, the deep squats, lunges, overhead movements allows for muscles to be stressed in multiple directions and hit at in various angles.

3. Cardio: Between the amount of sweat, elevation of heart rate, and amount of weight combined with the multiple reps of various is undeniable how efficient they are in burning fat and building muscle.

Conclusion: Not sure how effective the lifts will be for long term or for when getting closer to show time (secondary to the high stress on the joints,) but they are definitely going to be a vital part of my preparation for my training. I will keep posted on how the O- lift training goes as I'm planning on competing in a meet in March, which will lead me right into the beginning of my official figure show training.

P.S Just incase you were wondering I performed two clean and jerks with 125lbs today.

There is something awesome about picking that up off the floor and holding that over your head :) Rooaaar!

On a side note, I completed 6 reps of back squats with 180lbs which brings my estimated one rep max up to 210...not ridiculous, but not too shabby.

- Anna P

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Change Up

So I have decided to enter a different competition. I'm going to be competing in the INBF Hercules Bodybuilding & Figure Championships (WNBF Super Pro-Qualifier) in New York, NY on June 30th. I think performing in the city will bring me one step closer to making my mark and settling into my city, and I could use the extra month to train.

I have been doing a lot of thinking, planning, and research. Also I have met a lot of people through my gym that can either give me good training tips or hook me up with good coaches. Speaking of which I really need to get back to that guy...On the things to do list. I've been doing a lot of thinking about how I can get the most of this/how will I deal with temptations and how can I build and train my will power. 

I have found that I'm not as diverse of a person as I once was. Currently my life consist of work, working out, and going out. That is all fine and dandy, but what about music, what about the news and the world, what about my family. There are so many things I've been missing out on. I want to take this time in my life not only to improve my body, but to improve my mind, my creativity, and my connection to my family and friends. TO connect through ways that don't involve alcohol or partying. 

The hardest part about this is going to be through re-introducing myself. People know me as a party girl, a good time, easy going...all is well, but I want to be more substantial, I want to be able to have a deeper conversation about religion, about politics, about sports, about media. In order to do this I will have to train my will power, I will have to resist temptation and show confidence in my goals. 

In the end it will be well worth it. 

- Anna P